Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Final Piece of the Puzzle

I'm happy to report that my search for "Dancin' Angels" is over!!!! Here's some screencaps. This particular episode was taped during the '80s. The runtime for this episode is 48 min 47 seconds, so it appears that very little (if any) was edited out.

Thanks to Todd (a.k.a. CHERISLAND) over at the Sitcoms Online Trading Post message board for providing me with the missing episode.

I now have all season 4 and 5 episodes. That's a total of 41 episodes spread across 21 discs. There are 13 discs for season 4 (25 episodes), and 8 discs for season 5 (16 episodes).

The average episode runs approximately 45 mins and 30 sec, so they are cut like most syndicated series. All commercials have been edited out.
The majority of the episodes were recorded off the TNT network circa 1999. On most episodes, there is a small TNT logo in the bottom right-hand corner. However, it is faint and not that distracting. See the screen caps.

The sound and picture of these episodes is very good considering that the source of these episodes are ten-year-old VHS recordings that were taped in EP mode. When I transferred them to DVD, I made sure to recorded them in SP mode so that each episode would retain its image quality. That is why there are only two episodes on each disc.

If I were to rate these episodes on a scale of 1 to 10, I would have to say these episodes rate about a 7-8. In my opinion, a set rated a 10 would be reserved for an official commercial release on par with the first 3 seasons of Charlie’s Angels that Sony already released.
A 9 rating would be a show recorded direct from satellite TV.

The picture and sound is very good. I would not say they are outstanding, but I would have not gone to all this work if the episodes were unwatchable. I have posted screen caps on this blog so people have the opportunity to look at the pictures and judge them for themselves.

In addition, I have added 7 chapter stops where each commercial break would be.

Here are some testimonials from people who have viewed the set:
  • Many many thanks for the GREAT and AWESOME Charlie's Angels Season 4! Your work is brilliant and am loving them!
-Tony (San Diego, CA)
  • I got the Charlie's Angels Season 4 today. They were great. Really nice set. I like how you did the menus. I have already watched 2 episodes. Sure do bring back the memories.
-Jerry (Brazil, IN)


TBE said...

Well if Sony won't listen..!

Just stopped by to say that Cheryl Ladd was great as Natica, the innocent alien in "The Fantastic Journey" 1977. If you want to see screen caps and videos, check out my blog.

Hey, perhaps someone ought to let SONY know what you're doing so they get you your DVD. We're trying the petition route at our blog. We invite you, and all Cheryl's fans, to sign the petition.
Though we do also have the bootlegs. If Sony (and other productions alike) are too slow and insensitive to the fans, we're going to get our copies one way or the other! They stand to make money by putting the official ones out, with tons of bloopers and outtakes! Kudos to you!

TBE said...

I almost forgot! I'm trying to figure out which part was "Billie" in "Angels in Chains", do you know? Is that the girl whom the angels are in search of? Or one of the prisoners? I haven't seen this show since I was a kid. The part of Billie was played by Christina Hart, and you guessed it, she also guest starred on TFJ. (Videos and screen caps also at my blog). The name of her episode was "An act of Love"; Cheryl Ladd's is "The Innocent Prey", Fantastic Journey's finale.

PS: If you know the answer for Billie, would you please stop by my blog to let me know? So I don't miss it. Thanks.