Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Episode Found!

Thanks to Jerry S. over at the Sitcoms Online Trading Post message board, I can now scratch off another "missing" episode or, in this case, episodes: the 2-parter, "One Love...Two Angels" (episodes #92 and 93).

This particular episode was recorded off TV Land when they aired the show a few years ago.

Out of all the Charlie's Angels episodes, this is the only episode I barely remember watching. I don't think it was syndicated in my "neck of the woods" as much as the others, maybe because it was a 2-parter.

It is a very strange episode to say the least. It doesn't follow the same pattern or formula as the other episodes. It feels more like a TV movie of the week based on a romance novel by Barbara Taylor Bradford or Judith Krantz (Remember Scruples?). Kelly and Kris have a major falling out when they find out they are in love with the same man! It also has a different musical soundtrack that I have not heard in the other episodes.

Now all I need is season 4 episode #86, "Dancing Angels" and my collection will be complete!!!!

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