Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finishing Touches

All season 4 discs are done with the exception of Disc #10. However, someone has contacted me regarding the missing episode, so my search may be over (fingers crossed).
In the meantime, I've begun authoring the season 5 discs. I've also add chapter stops at each commercial break. Here's a sneak peek at the menu for Season 5/Disc 7 and some more screencaps.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Episode Found!

Thanks to Jerry S. over at the Sitcoms Online Trading Post message board, I can now scratch off another "missing" episode or, in this case, episodes: the 2-parter, "One Love...Two Angels" (episodes #92 and 93).

This particular episode was recorded off TV Land when they aired the show a few years ago.

Out of all the Charlie's Angels episodes, this is the only episode I barely remember watching. I don't think it was syndicated in my "neck of the woods" as much as the others, maybe because it was a 2-parter.

It is a very strange episode to say the least. It doesn't follow the same pattern or formula as the other episodes. It feels more like a TV movie of the week based on a romance novel by Barbara Taylor Bradford or Judith Krantz (Remember Scruples?). Kelly and Kris have a major falling out when they find out they are in love with the same man! It also has a different musical soundtrack that I have not heard in the other episodes.

Now all I need is season 4 episode #86, "Dancing Angels" and my collection will be complete!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hula Angels Found! New Font!

I haven't posted the past few days because I just returned from Las Vegas--the city that never sleeps! As you may recall, the Angels went to Vegas a couple of times. I seem to recall that there is a scene of them walking in front of Ceaser's Palace (I loved it when they did on location shooting). It was a family reunion of sorts, as my parents also flew in from the Mid West to see me. I had a blast playing the slot machines, but the most important thing was seeing my parents. We also took a tour bus to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was spectacular! Anyhow, enough about me. I've got some exciting developments to report about my DVD project.

I'm happy to report that my search for episode #99, "Hula Angels" is over. Thanks to my new friend, Warwick from Australia, I now have all season 5 episodes. Warwick sent me the episode and was also nice enough to email me the Charlie's Angels font used on the show. I redid the menus and reinserted the new font. Luckily, I had saved them all in the menu creation program, so it was just a simple click of the button to change the font. I think the font makes the DVD look authentic.

I wasn't sure if I should do the individual episode titles in all CAPS, or upper and lowercase letters. After much debate, I decided to go with all CAPS because that's the way the episode titles are displayed at the beginning of each episode. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Menus

Nothing new to report, so thought I'd post some more menus I created. I'm working on Disc 11 right now. I can't do discs #10 or #13 until I get those missing episodes, so all that's left is Disc #12, which I'll probably finish tomorrow night.

In case you're reading my blog for the first time, I need the following season 4 episodes:

Episode 86: “Dancing Angels”
Episode 92: “One Love…Two Angels” (Part I)
Episode 93: “One Love…Two Angels” (Part II)

If you have the above episodes, please contact me. Thanks!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Menus!

I'm really excited to announce that I have created new DVD menus for my set! These new menus have two decent size thumbnails so I can insert a nice still image from each episode. It also gives the episode # and title. You can't see it in the caps above, but a green border highlights the episode you select. Really cool!
I also finished 2 more Season 4 discs: Discs 6 and 7. Here's some caps:

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcome to My World

Another day, another DVD completed. Today, I finished:
Disc 5:
Episode 76: “The Prince and the Angel”
Episode 77: “Angels on Skates”

I was surprised at the lack of fanfare surrounding Farrah Fawcett's special guest star appearance in this episode. It begins with her and Kelly shopping in a boutique -- no special announcement like, "Jill's coming to visit!"

"Angels on Skates" is a personal favorite because it was filmed almost entirely at Venice Beach, and some of the buildings are still there to this day. Whenever I go to Venice Beach to rollerblade or bicycle, I always make it a point go by the building where the Angels first rent their skates. It's still there, although it's a clothing shop now. The interior was most likely filmed in a soundstage, but the exterior actually exists in Venice, as well as the apartment where Rita lived and the parking lot where the angels first parked their car upon arrival. It's a surreal feeling to think I'm walking the same ground as the Angels did. It feels like I've been transported into an episode, and that I'm a part of their world.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Nuns and Hookers

Yesterday, I finished Disc 4 of Season 4. I had forgotten how much campy fun these season 4 episodes are. Most people say the show "jumped the shark" after Kate Jackson left, but these episodes have been a hoot!
In episode 74, Kris goes behind bars. I've always loved women in prison films! Especially, the Australian soap opera, "Prisoner: Cell Block H". I bet Big Aggie (pictured below) could give Bea Smith a run for her money, but the prison guard in this episode is no Vera Bennett.

Kelly and Tiff pose as nuns in this episode, and in the next episode they're hookers! Their price is $1,000 because they work as a team! Kinky, but Georgia likes them because they class up the neighborhood. lol I love the dialog in this episode.

The picture quality in this episode is slightly better than the others because it was one of the few episodes I had videotaped in SP mode.

Also, if you would like to work for Freddy the pimp, you will need to learn a few rules.

Rule 1: Tell Freddy everything: Where you've been, who you've worked for, ever been busted, if you're a user, etc.

Rule 2: Never talk back to Freddy!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Breakdown Part 2

I haven't posted a blog in a few days, but the project is still on track. I finished 7 out of the 8 discs for season 5.

I've moved on to season 4. I've got it all planned out. Here's the breakdown:
Disc 1: (completed- see Bikinis and Oprah)
Episode 69: “Love Boat Angels” (Part I)
Episode 69: “Love Boat Angels” (Part II)
Disc 2: (completed)
Episode 70: “Angels Go Truckin’”
Episode 71: “Avenging Angel”
Disc 3:
Episode 72: “Angels at the Alter”
Episode 73: “Fallen Angel”
Disc 4:
Episode 74: “Caged Angel”
Episode 75: “Angels on the Street”
Disc 5:
Episode 76: “The Prince and the Angel”
Episode 77: “Angels on Skates”
Disc 6:
Episode 78: “Angels on Campus”
Episode 79: “Angel Hunt”
Disc 7:
Episode 80: “Cruising Angels”
Episode 81: “Of Ghosts and Angels”
Disc 8:
Episode 82: “Angel’s Child”
Episode 83: “One of Our Angels Is Missing”
Disc 9:
Episode 84: “Catch A Falling Angel”
Episode 85: “Homes, $weet Homes”
Disc 10:
Episode 86: “Dancing Angels” missing
Episode 87: “Harrigan’s Angels”
Disc 11:
Episode 88: “An Angel’s Trail”
Episode 89: “Nips and Tucks”
Disc 12:
Episode 90: “Three for the Money”
Episode 91: “Toni’s Boys”
Disc 13:
Episode 92: “One Love…Two Angels” (Part I) missing
Episode 93: “One Love…Two Angels” (Part II) missing

Here's the caps from disc 2. In episode 70, "Angels Go Truckin, " Kelly goes undercover as a waitress, and Kris and Tiff pose as lady truckers! Fun episode.

Here's a cap of Kelly strung out on drugs in "Avenging Angel":