Monday, January 28, 2008

Bikinis and Oprah

Last night, I went out of sequence and did Disc 1 of Season 4. This disc contains episode 69, "Love Boat Angels."
It originally aired as a two-hour special, but in syndication, the episode was broken up into two parts. Also, it had a different opening. Instead of the usual, "Once upon a time...", it was an instrumental version of the theme song, and showed shots of the Caribbean and the Pacific Princess Cruise Ship (a.k.a. The Love Boat).
Although this was Shelley Hack's first episode as Tiffany Welles, it was Cheryl Ladd who OWNED this episode! She wore three different bikinis: blue, red, and white! WOWSA!!!
Speaking of Shelley Hack, she was on Oprah! last week for about 5 minutes. The topic was about classic Americana. Oprah wanted to talk to Shelley about her Charlie perfume commercial. They barely mentioned Charlie's Angels. Shelley looks good! Her hairstyle is almost exactly the same as it appears in the cap below, except not as frizzy! Here are some screencaps from Season 4 - Disc 1:

Bikinis, bikinis, bikinis. . .

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