Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Childhood Memories

I remember watching the show as a kid. I was ten years old when the series started in 1976. By the end of the fifth season in 1981, I was fifteen. These girls were goddesses for young boys like myself. One of my favorite parts of the show was when they would hire a new angel. I remember all the hype, and how all the movie magazines would publish photos of the new angel even before the new season started! They became instant celebrities! I also liked how they filmed new opening credits and they would recreate the walking scene above with the new lineup.

Here's some caps from Season 5 - Disc 6.

"Angel on the Line" is one of my favorite episodes from the fifth season because it feels like a scary stalker movie. I remember one 1980s movie about this babysitter who kept getting these threatening crank phone calls from some pervert. The police traced the calls and found out that they were coming from someone hiding inside the house using another phone line! Nowadays, everything is cell phones! I laugh to myself sometimes when I see the angels using their big, bulky car phones!

The other episode, "Chorus Line Angels" feels like an old-time movie musical. Jaclyn Smith looks likes she's in heaven with all the musical and dance numbers. She'd be great on "Dancing With the Stars." I also can't get that horrible song out of my head:

"We're gonna be
pals, buddies, and friends,
to the end, to the end, to the end."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bikinis and Oprah

Last night, I went out of sequence and did Disc 1 of Season 4. This disc contains episode 69, "Love Boat Angels."
It originally aired as a two-hour special, but in syndication, the episode was broken up into two parts. Also, it had a different opening. Instead of the usual, "Once upon a time...", it was an instrumental version of the theme song, and showed shots of the Caribbean and the Pacific Princess Cruise Ship (a.k.a. The Love Boat).
Although this was Shelley Hack's first episode as Tiffany Welles, it was Cheryl Ladd who OWNED this episode! She wore three different bikinis: blue, red, and white! WOWSA!!!
Speaking of Shelley Hack, she was on Oprah! last week for about 5 minutes. The topic was about classic Americana. Oprah wanted to talk to Shelley about her Charlie perfume commercial. They barely mentioned Charlie's Angels. Shelley looks good! Her hairstyle is almost exactly the same as it appears in the cap below, except not as frizzy! Here are some screencaps from Season 4 - Disc 1:

Bikinis, bikinis, bikinis. . .

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Breakdown

Today's title may sound misleading. No, I'm not having a breakdown! For today's blog entry, I thought you would like to see the breakdown for each disc for Season 5, so here it is:

Disc 1: (completed)
Episode 94: "Angel in Hiding" (Part I)
Episode 94: "Angel in Hiding" (Part II)
Disc 2: (completed)
Episode 95: "To See an Angel Die"
Episode 96: "Angels of the Deep"
Disc 3: (completed)
Episode 97: "Island Angels"
Episode 98: "Waikiki Angels"
Disc 4:
Episode 99: "Hula Angels" (missing)
Episode 100: "Moonshinin' Angels"
Disc 5: (completed)
Episode 101: "He Married an Angel"
Episode 102: "Taxi Angels"
Disc 6: (completed)
Episode 103: "Angel on the Line"
Episode 104: "Chorus Line Angels"
Disc 7:
Episode 105: "Stuntwomen Angels"
Episode 106: "Attack Angels"
Disc 8:
Episode 107: "Angel on a Roll"
Episode 108: "Mr. Galaxy"
Episode 109: "Let Our Angel Live"

I used 2 sources for the titles and episode numbers. I referred to the "Charlie's Angels Casebook" by Jack Condon, and the website, charliesangels.com.

While we're on the subject, some of you may be wondering why I started with season 5 and not season 4. Well, that's unpredictable me! I always like to do things backwards I guess.

Since I don't have episode 99, I skipped ahead and did Discs 5 and 6. Here are are some screencaps from Season 5- Disc 5:

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Lovely Carol Lynley

I finished Disc 3 of Season 5, so I'm dedicating today's blog to the lovely Carol Lynley. Carol guest-starred in episode 97, "Island Angels," which is one of the episodes on the disc. It's one of my favorite season 5 episodes because of her. I first fell in love with Carol when I saw an old rerun of her movie on the late show entitled, "The Shuttered Room," and she was stunning! It was a horror film based on a novel by H.P. Lovecraft. In the movie, she inherited a creepy old English mill house that seemed to be inhabited by a monster. I recommend it if you get a chance to see it. Unfortunately, it hasn't been released on DVD. By the time Carol did Charlie's Angels, she was in her early 40s, but she still could qualify to be an Angel in my opinion (check out those gams!). Here are some screen grabs I took from my disc of the lovely Carol Lynley.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hula Angels MIA

I suffered another setback in my Charlie's Angels DVD project. I discovered I'm missing another episode! The episode is "Hula Angels" from season 5. I had it listed in my video log as being on tape #20, but when I went to get the tape, it was missing! I noticed from my log that it was on the same tape with some episodes from season 3, so I think I threw the tape out a few years ago when season 3 was released officially on DVD by Sony. I probably figured I'd never watch the tape again now that season 3 was released. Boy, was I wrong!

So now I need 4 episodes:
Hula Angels, Dancin' Angels, and One Love, Two Angels (parts I and II).
Can anyone help me?

Other than that, the project is going smoothly. It has been raining here in "sunny" southern California for 3 straight days this week, so I've been indoors a lot. I've been able to transfer 4 more Charlie's Angels episodes to DVD. Luckily, I had edited most of the commercials out when I originally taped them on VHS, so all I have to do is pop the tape in the player and press my DVD recorder and sit back and relax. Occasionally, I'll come across an episode that still has the commercials, so I have to be more alert so I can edit the commercials out while I'm recording.

Last night, I finished 2 more discs. Here are the screengrabs from one of those discs: Season 5 -Disc 2. I'll post some grabs from Disc 3 tomorrow.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hello Angels!

Hello Angels!
Welcome to my new blog!
I'm getting tired of waiting for Sony to release Season 4 and 5 on DVD, so I decided to start transferring my VHS tapes to DVD myself.
I taped these episodes when they were on TNT a few years ago. Each episode runs about 45-46 minutes. The episodes will be commercial-free.
Unfortunately, I'm missing 3 episodes!
Can anyone help me? I'm willing to trade episodes or buy.

The 3 episodes I need are from Season 4:
Dancin' Angels
One Love, Two Angels (Part 1)
One Love, Two Angels (Part 2)

If you can help, please contact me here or at: greenronnyg@cs.com

I will be updating this blog regularly, so please check back often to see more screencaps and check out the progress of my project.

Thanks, Ronny G

In the meantime, here are some screencaps from my first completed disc:
Season 5 - Disc 1, Episode 94: "Angel in Hiding" (Parts 1 & 2)

This is the DVD menu. It shows the episode number and title. There are 2 episodes per disc recorded at SP mode for highest quality.

In some screencaps, you can see the TNT logo in the lower-right hand corner. It is really only noticeable over dark areas.