Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Reviews Are In!!!

I haven't posted in a while since I've completed my DVD project, but I'm happy to say the project lives on!!
In the past few weeks, I've been inundated with requests from other Charlie's Angels fans for copies of my set -- including people as far away as Italy and the United Kingdom!
I always knew that Charlie's Angels had a loyal fan base, but I figured most fans taped the episodes like I did. Unfortunately, not many TV stations are airing the show today, and when they do, most stations tend to skip over the Shelley Hack and Tanya Roberts years. Instead, they show the first season over and over.
I thought I'd share some of the comments from people who have sent me emails about the set. It's a good feeling to know that all the hard work I did has been worthwhile and is being enjoyed by others.

Hi Ron, I received the Charlie's Angels Season 4 dvd's in the mail today. Thank you so much, you have made me a happy person .=)I was also pleased with the good quality of the episodes, they are better than my poor old tapes that I had episodes of Charlie's Angels on.

-- Deborah (Batesburg, SC)

I recieved your package today. And was extremely anxious to watch them, and did. I must say you are a stroke of genius! The pix quality is superb and the sound is great, ecspecially w/ surround sound (which is how I watch them.) very professional quality!!! AAAAA+++++ Thank You So Very Much!!
-- Ken (Miami, FL)

And there it is -- and dang, great quality. (I mean, yeah, the content's off-the-air, but they're in broadcast order and great menus ... you take this SERIOUSLY! ;)
-- A (San Francisco, CA)

You are a master at authoring! I loved your Season 4 of Charlies Angels! my family and kids LOOOVED Season 4 with new faces and they thought the DVDs were real! (laughs) they're that good!
-- Tony (San Diego, CA)

Hi Ron, This is to say that I loved the sets! They're nicely done and the picture & sound quality are very good! I am enjoying the episodes once more with my family. Thank you very much.

-- Sergio (London, England)